Celebrate health, empowerment & safety with our dynamic books!

  • Though written by young voices, each book in our series is reviewed by a team of doctors that ensures the accuracy of all medical information!
  • All books (physical and eBooks) are fully customizable to include information about your company! Options include personalizing the covers with your company's logo, having one of your associates write a special foreword, and more.

  • We have more titles planned for 2024. Know of a health, safety, or empowerment topic you'd like added to our catalog? Let us know!

The Class That Can: Worry

The Class That Can: Asthma

The Class That Can: Nutrition

The Class That Can: Germs & Sneezing

The Class That Can: Sleep & Screen Time

The Class That Can: Fire Safety

The Class That Can: Food Allergies


13 CAN Words


Need more information? Contact us today.