We are CAN Health...

... a 501(c)3 that's transforming how companies can create healthy communities and better engage customers. We provide customizable health & empowerment tools to help children and families thrive!

Our plan is simple yet effective!

Let's further explore the THREE components of CAN Health

An impressive catalog of health books!

We work with the nation's top doctors to create health & empowerment books that make a difference! Check out our diverse subjects and read sample books.

The 14 Words of CAN!

Our 14 Words of Can will empower children to develop an asset-based mindset so they can soar to greater heights! Explore our words and watch sample empowerment videos here.

A powerful, customized health app!

Customized with your company's information, the CAN Health App gives families mobile access to our books, empowerment resources, daily challenges, and more. Explore the app here.

Streamlined delivery system

We know you are busy, which is why our program is streamlined for you...

Each CAN Package

Your CAN Package contains everything you need for a pediatricians' office, school or family.
  • Personalized copies of each CAN book, posters, swag, materials promoting the CAN Health app, and more.
  • Fully customized with information about your company!

The CAN Health App

The CAN Health App gives families mobile access to books, empowerment resources, daily challenges, and more.
  • Books, empowerment videos, quizzes, CAN Passport, Daily CANQuest, resources, and more.
  • Fully customized with information about your company!

Customize the books & the app

The Power of Personalization

At CAN Health, we believe in the importance of companies speaking directly to their customers by providing customized covers, special forewords to introduce the books, and total personalization about your company and its products throughout our catalog of books and Health App. Have a topic you'd like to see included in the CAN catalog? We can even craft a custom CAN book tailored to a topic of your choice, exclusively for you!

Leveraging CAN Health for Targeted Health Awareness

Harness the power of CAN Health for your company's awareness campaigns and make a lasting impact on specific health issues. Here's why it's crucial:

Customization for Precision

Tailor our program to address your company's specific health concerns. Whether it's allergies, mental health, or general well-being, customization ensures your message is precisely aligned with your awareness goals.

Crafting a Unique Identity

By writing forewords in our books, personalizing covers, and adding branding throughout the app, you'll create a connection with readers, ensuring that your commitment to community health and empowerment is prominently displayed.

Comprehensive Educational Resources

Benefit from a wealth of resources within the CAN Health program. Our hardcover books, CAN Health App, and engaging content cover a spectrum of health topics. Use this arsenal to educate your target audience comprehensively.

Brand Association with Empowerment

Aligning your brand with a program that empowers children through health education sends a powerful message. It positions your company as a leader not only in health but also in fostering positive mindsets and well-being.

Strategic Use of CAN Words

Integrate the impactful CAN Words into your campaigns. These words provide a holistic approach to health and empowerment, resonating deeply with your audience and enhancing the effectiveness of your message.

Pediatrician Waiting Rooms & Schools

Your brand could be prominently featured in pediatrician waiting rooms, schools, and community centers nationwide. Gain direct access to parents, caregivers, & healthcare professionals in a targeted environment.

Personalized App Presence

Leverage the CAN Health App to extend your brand's reach. The app is a powerful tool for users to access your tailored content, fostering a continuous connection with your brand. Each customer has a unique experience.

Measurable Impact and Reporting

Measure the impact of your campaigns through the CAN Health program. Track engagement metrics, monitor user interactions, and gather insights to refine and enhance future campaigns strategically.

Differentiation in Marketing:

Stand out in the market by associating with a program that goes beyond traditional marketing. Showcase your commitment to health and empowerment, differentiating your company in the eyes of consumers.

Community Engagement with a Purpose

Engage with communities not just as a service provider but as a contributor to positive health outcomes. Actively participate in community-driven initiatives and shape the narrative around your company's commitment to health.

Word of Mouth & Referrals

Parents who find value in the CAN Health app are likely to share their positive experiences with others. This word-of-mouth marketing and referrals contribute to a broader awareness of your commitment to health education.

Long-Term Impact and Legacy

Establish a long-term legacy by supporting awareness campaigns through CAN Health. Your contributions will leave a lasting positive impact on communities, creating a legacy of health and empowerment for future generations.

Let us show you how CAN Health can work for your company!